Release patterns that keep you at arms length from your most free and authentic state. Get yourself on your path, and experience the passion and satisfaction that you desire and deserve. I'm here to help.
I use my intuitive/psychic gifts to read subtle energetic information, and I offer potent and clear direction to my clients. My sessions are “Spirit Led”, and my job as I see it, is to tap into the vast amount of unconditional and loving wisdom that exists in the field of higher consciousness.
It is important that you to arrive with questions, and curiosity about your life. When you show that you are invested, and devoted to your own expansion, you will find your session to be deeply psychic and very high energy. If you maintain a complacent energy, you may find that you’re disappointed with your session. I work from the principle of energetic reciprocity. We will work in collaboration with Spirit to access information that is in deep vibrational resonance to your most authentic path.
I will speak frankly and honestly in an effort to accelerate your path towards healing and evolution, and to be sure that every minute counts. I will speak with you about the important things I will be perceiving about you. There are times when the truth can feel confronting, so I urge you to approach your session with a curious heart and mind!
Many times a dear friend or loved one from across the veil will make me aware of their presence. Of course, when a loved one is present I will also spend time interpreting the special and specific messages they bring for you. It’s fine to let me know if there is someone you’d like to connect with!
Often, your initial session will begin to open important doorways that you'd like to explore further through additional sessions. There are no rules for how many times or how frequently you book. It is very important, however, to know that I am not your therapist. I offer BIG PICTURE readings for you about your path, family, career, etc. If you would like to reschedule, it is imperative that you have integrated and put into action some aspect of our previous session.
I have participated in many kinds of therapy through the years, none of which have been so deeply effective as working with Rebecca. Her presence exudes compassion, humor, and incredible warmth. Paired with her knowledge, intuition, and refreshingly frank honesty, she creates a beautiful safe space to explore the scary places and celebrate the bright ones. Since working with Rebecca and prioritizing my spiritual growth, I have experienced a profound shift in my life.
-Julie L.
Rebecca is a multi-talented healer and intuitive. I love working with her because she is able to tap into several facets of healing -- Reiki, intuitive coaching, and mediumship. Rebecca moves seamlessly between the three modalities in her sessions, effortlessly finding the areas that need the most attention. She uses the session time very efficiently. She tunes into my energy before the session and comes prepared with intuitive guidance from the get-go. Rebecca is a clear communicator, able to explain complex or sensitive guidance concisely. I leave each session feeling lighter, more clear, and ready to move forward. Rebecca has become a key element in my self-care and spiritual growth, and I frequently recommend her to my friends.
-Deb A.