Do you want to learn more about energy, intuition, and healing?
Do you want to feel more connected to the magic and mysticism of the Universe?
Training will be tailored to exactly your needs and experience level. You will have the unique opportunity to utilize my intuitive gifts and insights for yourself personally, as you inevitably begin to grow and expand through the study of energy medicine. You will learn everything you need to practice energy work on yourself, family and friends, and even clients if you choose.
This will be a one on one remote zoom learning course, meeting once a week. You can choose any of the three Reiki levels separately, or the entire 12 week certification at once. It is important to have the learned the previous level(s) before proceeding onward, but you don’t have to have learned from me! Once you’ve registered, we will connect to set the weekly day and time to meet remotely.
I am so excited to begin this work with you!
Reiki I
Everything is energy!
In this intro to Reiki healing we will explore:
-The history and intention of Usui Reiki
-What is energy?
-What is intuition?
-How understanding energy can help you raise your vibration every day
Reiki II
In Reiki II we will explore:
-The power of symbols, and specifically Reiki symbols
-The chakra system
-What does having a healthy, flowing energy system do for us?
-The correlation between mental, physical, emotional, and energetic health
-The importance of having clear energetic boundaries
-The final week culminates with your Reiki II attunement
Reiki III
In Reiki III you will learn:
-Hand placements
-How to prepare yourself for a session
-Guided practice session
-Long distance practice session
-How to interpret the feelings and sensations you experience in a session
-The final week culminates with your Reiki III Master attunement
Reiki Master Certification (Reiki I, II, III)
Everything is energy!
In this complete 12 week Reiki Master Certification Course we will explore:
-The history and intention of Usui Reiki
-What is energy?
-What is intuition?
-How understanding energy can help you raise your vibration every day
-The power of symbols, and specifically Reiki symbols
-The chakra system
-What does having a healthy, flowing energy system do for us?
-The correlation between mental, physical, emotional, and energetic health
-The importance of having clear energetic boundaries
-Hand placements
-How to prepare yourself for a session
-Guided practice session
-Long distance practice session
-How to interpret the feelings and sensations you experience in a session
-The final week culminates with your Reiki Master attunement