My gift as a medium really snuck up on me!
When I began to open to my psychic gifts about 10 years ago, there was absolutely no part of me that was excited to hear from spirits across the veil. In fact, I was still very much dealing with my own fears around death and dying.
Spirit had other plans, however. I can recall the first time a loved one showed up for my client; he was (and perhaps still qualifies as) one of the most incredibly powerful communicators I’ve ever met. His message was clear as day and it came with tons of evidence about my client, her childhood, and his own life as her father. He came with peaceful humility, apologies, and overwhelming love.
Spirit continued to show up spontaneously in my sessions, and I knew it was time for me to change my outdated relationship to death and dying. My solution was to become a hospice volunteer. WOW… I will never be the same (thank God). Hospice work cracked me open even more deeply to my mediumship gifts.
Now, my work as a medium is the most honoring, sacred, healing work I’ve ever done.
Man, this life just keeps on giving.